Los Angeles

About our District

Hwarang Youth Foundation’s LA District consists of 7 passionate chapters: Crescent, Give, Hancock Park, Healers, Kocen, Palos Verdes, and San Fernando Valley.
Members are located in the Los Angeles County area and are committed to helping the greater Los Angeles community. Through our Clean LA Street Campaign, compassionate students pick up trash in Downtown Los Angeles with the goal to create a cleaner city.
Furthermore, we are committed to helping LA residents. As a part of the LA Metro Low Income Fare is Easy (LIFE) program, Hwarang members helped LA metro riders apply and register to receive a discounted pass. Our members have also participated in promoting COVID-19 and flu vaccinations to local residents. Gathering at numerous locations in DTLA, Hwarang members distributed brochures and delivered information on easy access to vaccinations, promoting community health and safety. We are also dedicated to raising awareness and building support for causes such as the war in Ukraine.
On top of these district events, LA County chapters work hard to make an impact in their individual communities. Through monthly trips to the recycling center, park clean-ups, fundraisers, garage sales, and more, Hwarang members are actively seeking to make change.

LA District Chair
