Cultural Heritage


Hello. My name is Jimin Choi and I am President of the Korean History Committee. The ultimate purpose of our committee is to create projects and volunteer events which we can use to spread awareness and correct misinformation about Korean history and culture. This year as a committee we have hosted a few events including the 광복절 Hwarang Movie Night and the Jeronimo Documentary Watching featuring director Mr. Joseph Juhn. More recently our committee has also facilitated the UCC Contest from the 겨레얼국민운동본부 in which 8 teams from different chapters in Hwarang participated and all placed in the contest. Some of the projects that we are working on currently are a fun video creating event in which we can showcase traditional Korean food and how to make them, the history behind them, etc. This event, like all other events that we hosted before, will be available for all members to participate. We are also in the process of creating a Hwarang Korean History Committee website and Instagram in which we plan to post infographics and videos about issues that concern Korea like the dispute on Dokdo and comfort women. We also plan to cover traditional Korean holidays and folklore pertaining to each month of the year, and the history of our nation in digital brochures.

한국역사 위원회는 한국의 중요한 역사지식을 알리는 역활을 합니다. 위원회는 한국역사 및 중요 사건들에 대한 인식을 바로잡고 중요성에 대해 설명함으로서 기억하게 장려하는 일을 주요 목적으로 삼고 있습니다. 특히 독도, 4.29 LA 폭동, 그리고 일본군 성노예 (“위안부”) 에 대한 역사는 들은 우리가 꼭 올바르게 인식하고 기억해야 할 역사적 사건들입니다. 역사 위원회는 초청 강사와 함게하는 세미나 주최, 공공 및 사적 장소에서 프레젠테이션 주최, 그리고 지역내 전단지 전달등을 통해 궁극적인 목표를 이뤄나가고 있습니다.

> Dokdo Volunteers

> Celebrate Korean Independence Day (광복절)

> Age Coming Ceremony / 성년례

> 4.29 LA Riots


> Comfort Women Seminar

> Celebrate Korean Independence Movement Day (삼일절)


Korean History Committee PHOTO