Hwarang Youth Foundation Orange County District
Welcome to Sunnyridge! Founded in the City of Brea in 2014, Sunnyridge is the second chapter to exist within the Orange County district and really started its current growth. Currently, Sunnyridge stands strong as one big family even though we have the biggest size among the chapters. This allows us to pay more attention to our members, new and old, easing the formation of close bonds. Despite our size, our passion for this foundation is second to none. We always make sure to give it our all during events, constantly trying to one-up ourselves in the process. Together we can pull through any situation, without even considering the option of giving up. Sunnyridge is a chapter where everyone is given the opportunity to truly expand their knowledge about society; with our main mission of helping every member find their role in society.
저희 Sunnyridge 챕터에 오신 것을 환영합니다! 저희 챕터는 2014년 오랜지 카운티에 두번째 챕터로서 브레아 시에 설립되었습니다. 현재 Sunnyridge는 지부 중 규모가 가장 큰 챕터로 성장했습니다. 비록 챕터의 크기가 크지만 저희의 유대감이나 화랑에 대한 열정은 다른어느 챕터에게도 밀리지 않습니다. 저희는 평소에도 높은 활동 참여율을 보여줌 뿐만 아니라 활동 중 열정있는 모습으로 항상 서로를 이끌어갑니다. 저희는 주로 Cypress, Cerritos, Buena Park 등의 도시를 중점으로 활동하고 있습니다.