Hwarang Youth Foundation Orange County District
Eastland is a very close and friendly chapter that has 10 members. Our members are all highschoolers that live in the Eastern area of Los Angeles County. We have regular events such as recycling, park clean up, and chapter meetings every month. We also have bonding events once in a while and try to participate as much as possible in summit events with the rest of Hwarang. Our chapter members all have their own interests that make them special in their own ways, but being in the same chapter brings us closer and together. Summit events that we regularly participate in are the Korean Parade, Hwarang Day, and OC district events as well. We aim to better the environment and the areas around us, wanting to prevent further pollution by picking up trash or recycling cans and bottles. We want to spread the message of Hwarang and spread positivity through all communities by encouraging the youth to keep productive and helpful mindsets so that our future and rely on people who want the best for those around them. We also encourage all other communities such as immigrants and small businesses, as everyone deserves help and uplifting when they need it.