

Hello. My name is Irene Oh, and I am the chairperson of the Business Committee. So far, we have organized the first online Charity Gala amidst obstacles from the coronavirus, and have met with guest speakers, such as Tracie Weathers, who discussed their experiences with the Hwarang community and answered our burning questions about business in the real world. In the future, we hope to lend a helping hand to business owners struggling due to the limitations of the pandemic and widen our network and experience through our own small business. Hwarang’s motto is, “Today’s Hwarangs, Tomorrow’s Leaders.” Among this mass group of future world leaders, our business committee members strive to become the leader of leaders, combining past economic patterns, present global conditions, and future predictions to make a difference.

화랑 비즈니스 위원회는 화랑 청소년단체의 비즈니스적 부분들을 관리하는 역활을 맡고 있습니다. 화랑이 최대치로 활동하기 위한 펀드를 지원받을수 있도록 펀드레이징 및 세일즈를 담당합니다. 회원들은 마케팅, 재정, 회계등 다양한 직업군을 경험할수 있습니다. 비즈니스 위원회의 궁극적 목적은 다양한 비즈니스 직업군을 회원들이 경험할수 있게함과 동시에 운영자금을 안정적으로 조달하는 것입니다.

Previous Activities
  • Annual Gala/Award Ceremony
  • Annual Vision Concert Fundraising
Activity Plan
  • 4th Gala/Award Ceremony 2020, June
  • Chapter Fundraising for Gala 2020
  • The 10th vision concert, 2021 Febuary

Business Committee PHOTO